
Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Jabalpur

Safe And Smooth Procedure

Generally, we have 32 permanent teeth – 16 each on both lower and upper jaw. Wisdom teeth, or third permanent molars, usually erupt from ages of 16 years to 21 years. But our jaws may not have enough space to accommodate them. Therefore we need wisdom tooth extraction.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Jabalpur

Safe And Smooth Procedure

Generally, we have 32 permanent teeth – 16 each on both lower and upper jaw. Wisdom teeth, or third permanent molars, usually erupt from ages of 16 years to 21 years. But our jaws may not have enough space to accommodate them. Therefore we need wisdom tooth extraction.

Wisdom Tooth removal

In most cases, wisdom teeth are blocked from developing properly in the mouth due to second permanent molars or nearby bone or gums because of smaller space on jaws. Wisdom teeth are widely impacted and it is very important to treat these teeth. Most dentists recommend extracting these extra teeth.

This is because impacted tooth may emerge and show just the crown or never emerge at all. Wisdom teeth may also grow away from second permanent molar or towards it. If you feel that you have impacted wisdom teeth or wondering what you need to do, feel free to fix an appointment with us.

In some cases, wisdom teeth removal is not needed. If they are fully functional, you can floss and brush them well. So, removal is not needed until they are causing any problem.

Why Should You Have Your Wisdom Tooth Removed?

If your wisdom teeth are not erupting normally, your dentist will examine them through X-ray. An abnormally growing wisdom tooth could lead to an infection called pericoronitis if not treated or extracted immediately. Here are the most common causes why wisdom tooth extraction is recommended:

✅Impact Teeth

When your teeth are stuck in your jawbone or gums, it can cause a lot of pain.

✅Wrong Angle

Your teeth may become crowded if there is not enough space in your mouth. In such cases, your wisdom teeth may grow and press against your other teeth, causing discomfort and pain. This is a sign that your wisdom teeth need to be removed to prevent damage to your other teeth.

✅Cavity or Gum Disease

Cavities or gum diseases may develop around your wisdom teeth due to difficulty in cleaning that area. Since it’s located at the back of your mouth, it may be hard to reach with a toothbrush or floss, causing build-up of bacteria and food debris.

What Happens When A Wisdom Tooth is Not Removed?

Here are some other reasons why wisdom tooth extraction is necessary for certain cases, aside from alleviating the pain caused by impacted wisdom teeth:

✅Can Cause Damage to other teeth

When your extra set of molars, also known as wisdom teeth, grow and press against your other teeth, it can cause damage or problems with your bite. In such cases, wisdom tooth extraction is necessary to prevent further damage and alleviate the discomfort.

✅Jaw Damage

If you don’t have your wisdom tooth removed, it can lead to cyst formation around the new teeth which may damage your nerves and hollow out your jawbone.

✅Swallen Gum

Inflamed gums may lead to the formation of pockets between teeth, which can become a breeding ground for bacteria. This bacterial growth can cause cavities, swelling, and stiffness in your jaw.


Most frequent question and answers

People who have healthy wisdom teeth may still choose to have them removed as a preventive measure against potential risks. Wisdom teeth growth can pose a risk to adjacent teeth, even without any pain or discomfort.

Another reason to remove wisdom teeth at a younger age is that the bones in your mouth get harder over time, making teeth removal more difficult in the future. Removal of wisdom teeth at a younger age can lead to faster healing.

If you notice your wisdom teeth erupting, it is best to consult with a specialist dentist as soon as possible. This allows for prompt dental recommendations and addressing any issues early on.

Whether you want to have all your teeth extracted in one appointment is your personal choice. Many patients prefer to extract all their wisdom teeth at once to avoid multiple anesthetic administrations. However, extracting multiple teeth takes longer to recover than a single-tooth extraction.

After your wisdom tooth removal, if you were given local anesthesia by your dentist, you can go back to your usual activities immediately. But if you were given general anesthesia or IV sedation, you may need someone to drive you home.

It is normal to experience mild swelling and discomfort for a few days, and it may take weeks for your mouth to fully heal from the wisdom tooth extraction.

During the healing period, it is important to follow your dentist’s instructions, avoid smoking and drinking through a straw, eat soft foods, and keep the extraction site clean to prevent infection.

After wisdom tooth extraction, it’s important to take good care of your mouth as it heals. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Don’t brush your teeth on the day of the surgery. If you do brush, be careful to avoid the blood clots. Rinse your mouth gently with salt water.
  • Eat soft foods to avoid putting too much strain on your jaw and teeth. Crunchy or hard foods should be avoided.
  • Drink plenty of water, but don’t use a straw as it could disrupt the blood clots.
  • Take any prescribed medications and use an ice pack to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Don’t smoke, as it can interfere with healing.
  • If you have a fever or your pain and swelling don’t improve, contact your dentist for advice.
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