
Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Rebuild Your Smile

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Rebuild Your Smile

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Full Mouth Rehabilitation is a solution to improve your smile and make your mouth healthier, more functional, and more attractive. It’s a combination of making your smile look good and fixing it scientifically.

This is achieved through a series of detailed and highly customised treatments that are unique to each person’s case. The exact treatments that make up your full mouth reconstruction will depend on the specific issues that affect your smile.

During your consultation with our speciatlist Prosthodontist, we will walk you the through dental issues you have, and comprehensively assess your smile to design a tailor-made treatment plan.

Treatment done during Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Treatment done during Full Mouth Rehabilitation


Most frequent question and answers

If you have several dental problems, like broken, cracked, damaged, or missing teeth, then you are a good fit for Full Mouth Restoration. People who were born with Amelogenesis, Dentinogenesis, and Ectodermal Dysplasia also need complete mouth restoration.

Also, if you have problems with your gums, bite, jaw muscles, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ), we can help with Full Mouth Reconstruction.

At Dr Mayank Jain Dental Clinic in Jabalpur, patient usually don’t feel pain during Full Mouth Reconstruction. We use sedation techniques to make sure the procedure is easy and pain-free.

It usually takes several months to finish all the rehabilitation procedures and get the results you want. But, the exact time will depend on what dental treatments you need.

Many things can affect the cost of your Full Mouth Reconstruction, like the procedures you need, the materials and methods we use, and if we use sedation techniques.

We can give you an idea of the cost after our specialists examine your mouth and understand your dental needs. They will do this during a consultation.

To make sure your Full Mouth Rehabilitation results last a long time, it’s important to take good care of your gums and teeth. This includes following your dentist’s post-operative recommendations.

You can also help your results last forever by maintaining good oral health. This includes regularly brushing and flossing, and visiting your dental hygienist for cleanings and your dentist for check-ups every few months.

By doing these things, you can help ensure that your mouth stays healthy, functional, and beautiful for years to come.

If you find it hard to sit still or are uncomfortable with long dental appointments, don’t worry! There is a solution for you. Sedation dentistry is a way for you to feel calm and relaxed during your procedure. With sedation, you won’t have to worry about feeling uncomfortable or being unable to sit still.

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