
Root Canal Treatment

Preserve Your Natural Tooth

Root Canal Treatment

Preserve Your Natural Tooth

Repairing, restoring and protecting your teeth

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure performed by your dentist to remove unhealthy tissue from a diseased tooth. This treatment can repair and protect your tooth from further damage, restoring its normal function. If bacteria infect the natural cavity in your tooth, it can cause pain and lead to the death of the nerve.

At Dr Mayank Jain Dental Clinic, our team of specialist endodontists provides the best root canal treatment in Jabalpur with the utmost care and accuracy. Our dentists work to relieve you of any pain and discomfort while helping preserve your natural tooth for a longer lifespan.

Do I need a Root Canal?

Your Dentist will examine your pulp, which is the soft tissue inside your root canal, to check if it is inflamed or infected. If left untreated, inflammation or infection in the pulp can lead to abscess or severe pain. You may need a root canal treatment if you experience the following signs:

Endodontic microscope: How can it help you?

An endodontic microscope is a specialized tool that enables an endodontist to magnify a patient’s teeth. It helps them to identify, clean, and treat blockages or calcification of the canals that would be impossible to see with the naked eye.

Root canals are thin and delicate, making them a challenging area to work on. However, our specialist endodontists use top-of-the-line Zeiss microscopes to provide precision and accuracy, even when dealing with the most intricate roots and canals of the teeth.

Our endodontists can locate root canal issues efficiently and perform the necessary treatment to repair and protect your teeth. The use of dental microscopes has revolutionized the way we conduct root canal treatment, and we are proud to offer the latest technological advancements to our patients.

Here is a list of the benefits of using an endodontic microscope:

  • Enhanced precision and clarity during root canal surgeries
  • Improved detection of cavities
  • Identification of minute fracture lines on teeth
  • Recognition of changes in the color or texture of dentin


Most frequent question and answers

The cost of a root canal treatment in Jabalpur depends on the severity of the case, the tooth that needs treatment, and the additional restoration methods involved. It is generally less expensive to save your natural tooth through a root canal than to extract it and replace it with an implant or dental bridge.

Root canal treatment in Jabalpur requires multiple visits to complete the whole process. During the initial consultation, your endodontist will evaluate the condition of your tooth to determine if you are eligible for the root canal treatment. The following is the step-by-step process of how root canal treatment is performed:

  1. X-ray Assessment
  2. Local Anesthesia
  3. Cleaning
  4. Sealing
  5. Final Restorative Procedures

Root canal treatment in Jabalpur is a comfortable and virtually pain-free experience. At Dr Mayank Jain Dental Clinic in Jabalpur, we ensure that you are at ease and experience minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Root canal treatment can be performed on most teeth. However, in some cases, a tooth cannot be saved due to:

  1. Severe root fracture
  2. Inaccessible root canals
  3. Inadequate bone support for the tooth
  4. Severe decay that makes restoration impossible

After root canal treatment, your tooth may feel sensitive, especially if the tooth used to be painful or infected. This sensitivity can last for the first few days after the treatment. Your dentist may recommend taking medication to prevent any discomfort.

Root canal treatment is necessary to treat the infection that may exist in the tooth, even if the pain goes away with antibiotics. While some patients may not feel the pain after taking antibiotics, the infection may still be present. The root canal procedure is designed to disinfect the inside of the tooth and stop the spreading of the infection.

Leaving a tooth that needs root canal treatment untreated can lead to serious infections. An untreated infection is more likely to spread to other parts of the mouth, which can put your overall health at risk. In rare cases, it could even cause life-threatening complications.

After your root canal treatment, it’s best to eat soft foods that don’t require much chewing. You should also avoid foods that are too hard, too hot, or too cold for a while.

Some patients may feel sensitive or swollen after the treatment. If that happens, your dentist will prescribe the appropriate medication. Make sure to schedule a follow-up appointment and keep up with good oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups.

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